Elderberry bush by the old ice house - Can't wait to harvest this for Elderberry cordial - yum!
Gimli - the most spoilt pooch in the world. Not only did he need that bit of carpet before he would park his precious bot on the lawn, he then decided that sitting on the ground simply wasn't on and had to have a chair!
Froggy friends - loads of these around in the ponds at the moment
...And more flowers!
I love forget-me-nots - these are a teensy bit blurry though!
Just look at Gimli....
What a funny little chap!!!!!
"Cool Dude" knows his mind!
Lovely flowers too....
Oh Gimli is adorable! He's sat next to me snoring away at the moment, he's a bit cross cause I told him off for knocking things over in our studio/sewing room!
I LOVE the photo of the pink foxglove. I really want some that colour but wheneer they grow in my garden they always come up in much more pastelly shades. I wonder if I can by just seeds of this colour? Hmmm....will have to look into it!
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