(Did I mention I'm a little excited?)
I was contacted about a month ago and asked if I would attend the shows I'm going to for my Australian fashion blog blog.
The shows I'm attending are by Australian fashion designers presenting their work at London Fashion Week - and well - how could I say no?
Of course, as I mentioned several weeks back - going to fashion shows means you have to have a dress to wear - and after looking at about a zillion options - I decided in the end to make one and buy one. That way I had more than one outfit and the opportunity to go wearing something of my own creating.
I wasn't too adventurous because I was super pressed for time (basically, I threw some fabric at the dummy and tried to work some magic) - but I'm quite happy with the final result...
So introducing my super duper model, sadly meeting you all for the first time in what I admit are a not my best photos ever - nonetheless, styled up and ready to go - here is Lucille wearing a creation from Lulliloo!
(She's not well pleased to be stuck in the corner of this messy room and photographed at a less than flattering angle - but she is very patient!)
I really should have taken the snaps during the day, because this photo doesn't really do the dress justice, but I think you get the idea.
I probably won't have time to blog while I'm away - but I will definitely have an update and details of my first English Fashion shows when I get back!
Have a lovely weekend! M x